On this article (recorded also in a podcast) you will hear some helpful sentences to use during a visit to the general doctor (médico general). This text will be useful for doctors who are learning Spanish and also for Spanish learners.
You can listen to the podcast on Spotify on our channel “Viaje al español” here
Let’s first look at some of the most common verbs used during a doctor visit. I’m going to say the verb in Spanish and then the translation:
-Doler (to have pain)
-Cuidarse (look after yourself)
-Respirar (breath)
-Diagnosticar (diagnose)
-Quejarse (complain)
-Darse cuenta (notice)
-Analizar (analize)
-Hacer ejercicio (exercise)
-Sentirse mal o bien (to feel bad or well )
-Aumentar (increase)
-Disminuir (decrease)
-Fumar (smoke)
-Examinar (examine)
-Ser alérgico a (to be allergic to)
At the beginning of the medical visit:
Buen día, soy la Doctora Spencer. Mucho gusto. Puedes sentarte.
Eres un paciente de la Doctora Vargas/Doctor Santiago ¿verdad?
Comprendo un poco de español si hablas despacio, pero no lo hablo muy bien.
Good morning, I’m Dr. Spencer. Pleasure. You can sit.
You are a patient of Doctor Vargas / Doctor Santiago, right?
I understand a little Spanish if you speak slowly, but I don’t speak it very well.
Veo en la computadora que tomaste una cita prioritaria para hablar sobre….
I see on the computer that you made a priority appointment to talk about….
-Un malestar que tienes al respirar -A discomfort you have when breathing
-Cansancio todo el día –Tiredness all day
-Dolor en –Pain in
– Control de diabetes – Diabetes control
-Una erupción en la piel –A skin rash
¿Es correcto? o ¿hay algo más? Is this right? or is there something else?
Disculpame si miro el computador, tengo que documentar la cita mientras hablamos.
Excuse me if I look at the computer, I have to document the appointment as we speak.
Cuídate, chao, hasta luego. Nos vemos en dos semanas.
Take care, bye, see you later. See you in two weeks.
Phrases used by the doctor
Here, we are going to conjugate verbs for the pronoun “tú”. The use of the pronoun “usted” is common because it is a formal quote but at the request of the students we will use “tú”
-¿Cómo puedo ayudarte? How can I help you?
-¿Por qué estás aquí? Why are you here?
-¿Cuál es el motivo de tu visita? What is the reason of your visit?
-¿Qué pasó? ¿Qué pasa? What happened?
-¿Cuánto pesas? How much do you weigh?
-¿Te molesta algo más? Does it hurt anywhere else?
-Doler, molestar (to have pain)
We recorded a special podcast for you to practice the use of this verb. Listen here.
-Respira profundo – (Breathe deeply)
-¿Dónde te duele? Where does it hurt?
-Voy a leer los resultados de tus exámenes– I will read the results of your exams
-¿Dónde te molesta? – Where does it bother you?
-¿Cuál es tu queja principal?– What is your main complaint ?
-El dolor es asociado a … the pain is associated to..
-¿Tienes dolor o fiebre asociado a esto? Do you have any pain related to this?
-¿Cómo es el dolor? Please describe the pain
-¿Desde cuándo tiene dolor? Since when do you have that pain?
-¿Cuándo te diste cuenta de eso? When did you realize that?
-¿Su dolor va a otro lugar? Otro lado? Your pain goes somewhere else?
-Respira por el otro lado –(breathe through the other side)
-Respira de nuevo o otra vez –(breathe one more time)
-¿Te duele cuando presiono aquí? Does it hurt when I press here?
-¿Tienes alguna alergia? are you allergic to anything ?
-¿Fumas? Do you smoke?
-¿Desde cuándo comenzaste a fumar? (tú) When did you start to smoke ?
-¿Cuántos cigarrillos fumas cada día? How many cigarettes do you smoke per day?
-¿Tomas alcohol? ¿Do you drink alcohol ?
-¿Cada cuánto?¿Con qué frecuencia? How often?
-Me siento cansado. (I feel tired)
-¿Cuántos hijos tienes? How many kids do you have?
-¿Has tenido rayos X recientemente? Have you had x-rays done lately?
-¿Tomas algún medicamento? Do you take any medication?
-¿Has recibido una transfusión de sangre? Have you received a blood transfusion?
-¿Has estado embarazada antes? (Have you been pregnant before?)
-Voy a ordenar unos examenes de sangre – (I’m going to order some blood tests)
Debes disminuir el exceso de azúcar. (You must reduce excess sugar. It is important to reduce the consumption of fatty foods)
-Debes hacer 30 minutos de ejercicio cada día. (You should do 30 minutes of exercise every day)
Well, we have finished medical Spanish practice for today. I hope you find it useful.
Write us at info@hablea.com if you need any information about our online classes for medical Spanish.
We also provide help to translate a medical visit in the city of Medellín or Jardín if you need our help.